Saturday, December 30, 2006

Two new pieces per month

Happy New Year!

It is time to think about fresh starts. Whether it be weight loss or writing more (both in my case), we should evaluate our goals and work to make them happen this year.

One of my goals is to exercise every day. I've done so since December 14th (with the exception of sick days - 4 of them). So, I'm off to a good start!

Another goal is to write two new articles or short stories or book chapters per month.

I love having checks in the mail and watiting for my newest article to surface.
However, I'm in the middle of writing a romance and need to do regular work on it, as well.
So, I have enough irons in the fire to keep me on task (hopefully).

I suggest that you not make too many demands of yourself this year. Leave time for lazy-day window shopping, relaxing in a porch swing, or sipping hot cocoa in an oversized chair while watching "You've Got Mail" for the fifth time.

We need those "down times" to allow our brains to rest - before taxing them once again with our demand for new ideas.

God bless you and yours this new year!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

In the Know

If you want to read some free ASJA (American Society of Journalists and Authors) newsletters, visit

There are interesting monthly columns - including tech talk, the writing life, and member websites. Member sites are interesting. They often give us a glimpse into other writers' minds - a scary place to visit.

There are also monthly feature articles ranging from light humor about a writer's life to suggestions on writing a text book!

ASJA archived past months' newsletters too, so sit back and have fun looking.