Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Attitude is Everything

Have you heard that "attitude is everything?"
Ever want to punch the person who said it to you? ;-)
However irritating this full-of-sunshine little phrase, it's true.
I find myself, on this first day of the year, reevaluating my goals and setting paths to achieve them. Yes, I am an ambitious woman by nature. There's a difference this year, though. I am now a returning college student with a major in English and an emphasis on creative writing.
The University of Arkansas' English/creative writing program is ranked among the top 10 in the United States, so I am hyped to be part of their organization. I still have two years before finishing with my BA.
But, completing my education is paramount to future job prospects. I also think it will add credence when I pitch my novels to agents and editors. Really, when has an education ever HARMED anyone?
New experiences await in the coming year, and I'm primed to meet them. Some will be wonderful. Others, heart-wrenching. I already know this. But, I'll greet each with the same attitude -
I'm ready, and by God, my life will be full of rich experiences, published articles, and new information.
C'mon. Join me. 2008 awaits.


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